Sunday, May 18, 2014

Grasshopper Surfaces_Line Drawings

My attempt at conveying the grasshopper surfaces as line drawings.  You can see how changing the amplitude and domains drastically changes the extrusion.  I also showed the sphere from multiple vantage points showing the difference with attractor points.  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Grasshopper Revisited_2c

I went back and applied the constructed lofted components to multiple surfaces, some being from my movement model and other derived from the motion of the flip.  I edited some of the components of the code on different surfaces.  I tried using negative numbers for the domains to get an extrusion on both sides.  As suggested, I also extended the amplitude of the loft drastically to some surfaces creating a dramatic, pointed loft.  Applying this code to a sphere, and not only a planar surface, resulted in a unique geometric shape.  Similar to project 1b, I am working on exporting some line drawings of these surfaces.  I find it uninformaitve to see these surfaces in Rhino modeling space and have found the line drawings to be more effective in conveying the concepts.

Animation Revisited

In this animation, I layered the earlier, shorter clips into one movie.  I tried to make this animation more dynamic by editing scale, transparency, and length, components I was struggling to edit in Electric Image.   I agree with Scott; think After Effects is a much easier program to configure and allows you to do compile multiple clips on top of one another.  I attempted to pair the mysterious, partial videos of the model with full views.  I found it intriguing to almost guess which part of the model was being exhibited.

uploaded to YouTube: 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Surface Construction form Grasshopper

Concept: create a curved surface derived from previous 2b model and create components within the surface that change based on attractor points.  I started by building a curved surface with control points in rhino.  I attempted this in grasshopper but failed to loft the curved lines.  

I constructed a code that broke up the surface into U & V geometry.  Then found the area of each component and used that to find the center point.  Then I extruded the components, changed their size, and lofted the grids.  After constructing the attractor points, I linked the original surface to change the loft sizes based on the points.  The second and final attractor point variation I tried was to change the extrusion based on how close the point was to the surface.  I did this by linking the points to the amplitude.  Also, I was struggling with how not to move the attractor points manually and create sliders in grasshopper to change the geometry.  This is not shown, however, I was able to link sliders in the X,Y, & Z direction to the points.